The u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD Future Festival of the Next Generation is a hotbed of ideas and a playground for the exchange of solutions, concepts and experiments focused of the future by young people under age 19. Amidst a colorful festival village set up in the former post & packet distribution center at Linz’s main train station, up-and-coming young artists, programmers and tinkerers can show how they see the world of tomorrow. Accordingly, youngsters aren’t just members of the audience; they’re also festival co-producers. For more information about the u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD Future Festival of the Next Generation please visit ars.electronica.art/u19/en/festival

u19 – Prix Exhibition

The u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD exhibition showcases the 15 best works submitted to the Prix Ars Electronica for prize consideration this year by artists, programmers and tinkerers under 19 years of age.

FM4 Open Radio LIVE

Radio FM4 will be broadcasting a portion of its programming live from Ars Electronica from Thursday to Sunday.


The Kuruma-Iku Lab is a research and development initiative that focuses on the relationships between people and cars and invites children and creators to join the investigation into sustainable roles for cars in our future society.

Feed Me

With a self-ironical approach, the project is calling the subjects of the monstrous and perpetually insatiable Tra to her feeding ritual.

TableTalks – u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD Symposium

Forget about “Don’t talk while you’re eating!” A mealtime gathering is a great opportunity for discussions, storytelling and opening up about your latest project. Enthusiasm is encouraged. You’re even allowed to talk with your mouth full!