The Campus Exhibition by Paris 8 University presents thirty years of digital research and creative work from pioneering artists and researchers in the early years as well as from young contemporary artists today. It is divided into five categories: film screenings in 3D CGI; interactive art installations and experimental videogames; digital literature–such as hypertext novels and generative poetry–and digital and interactive performances; virtual reality systems and augmented interactive books; and behavioural objects and sensorial prototypes. The exhibition perfectly coincides with the determination of Paris 8 to showcase its dynamism in the digital field by naming 2015 the year of “Université 8.0: Le pari numérique!” – “University 8.0: the digital challenge!”.
Five Exhibition Segments
Curator Jean-Luc Soret (FR) has divided the show into five clusters. There are films in 3-D; CGI, interactive installations and experimental video games; digital literature in the form of hypertext novels and generative poetry as well as digital interactive performances; virtual reality systems and interactive books; sensory prototypes and so-called behavioral objects.
Book Tales
Dominique Cunin, Mayumi Okura
Conduit d‘Aération
hyperfictions.org collective : Lucile Haute, Alexandra Saemmer, Tomek Jarolim, Julien Pénasse, Aurélie Herbet
Digital Vocabulary
Woody Vasulka, SLIDERS_lab (F. Curien, J-M. Dallet)
Clémence Bugnicourt, Ulric Leprovost, Thomas Revidon, Laure Le Sidaner, Swann Martinez
Corentin Bertho, Christine Lumineau, Parnian Haghbin
Parallèles – Moi, EZIO
Sophie Daste, Eric Nao Nguy, Ana Cristina Villegas
Judith Guez, Jean-François Jègo, Dimitrios Batras, Marie-Hélène Tramus
Le Désert de Sonora
Bérénice Antoine, Clément Ducarteron, Gaël Labousse
Michel Bret, Edmond Couchot
Best animated image technology films
ATI department
Böhmische Dörfer
Alexandra Saemmer
Cauchemar, le jeu
Christina Chrysanthopoulou
Chath’a: La danse de Carthage
Salma Chaabane, Ghaya Khemiri
Deaf Poetry: saying everything without speaking
Chu-Yin Chen, Jean-François Jègo, Dimitrios Batras
Dumping in the imagination
Cédric Ciebien
Michel Bret
Kevin Bernard, Julien Capone, Charles Grillet-Courbières, Nicolas Gommez, Léo Menant
Hors Cadre
Samuel Bianchini, Didier Bouchon
Joue de la musique pour mon poème (poème percutant)
Philippe Bootz, Nicolas Bauffe – MIM Production
Journey: Fossils
Caroline Bernard, Damien Guichard
Judith Guez, Guillaume Bertinet, Kevin Wagrez
Lucky 2.0
Cédric Plessiet, Salma Chaabane, Ghaya Khemiri
Masques & Bergamasques
Hervé Huitric, Monique Nahas
Mètre Métrologue
Benoit Verjat
Sophie Daste, Karleen Groupierre, Adrien Mazaud
Painting Beings
Alain Lioret
Pékin pour mémoire
Jean-Louis Boissier
Hervé Huitric, Monique Nahas, Michel Saintourens, Marie-Hélène Tramus
Rémy Sohier, Collectif Alinéaire
Super Giant Robots
Piers Bishop
The MisB Kit
Reflective Interaction team
Vitamorph II
Chu-Yin Chen
Vivarium for Solar Insects
Laurent Mignonneau, Christa Sommerer, Chu-Yin Chen, Jean-François Jégo
5 generations of digital literature
Philippe Bootz
Ars Electronica Blog
“The organisation of themed-years at our university over the last few years has allowed the academic community to engage itself in a shared project. The Paris 8 University brought a strong support to this international event: Campus Exhibition in the Ars Electronica Festival 2015.” Read more on the Ars Electronica Blog!