Soya C(o)u(l)ture–Workshops
FRI September 4, 2015, 11 AM-2 PM
SUN September 6, 2015, 11 AM-2 PM, 3 PM-6 PM
PostCity, Fashion District
Symposium Connecting Cities – Connecting Citizens
THU September 3, 2015, 2:30 PM
PostCity, Conference Square
Symposium Smart Creativity, Smart Democracy
SAT September 5, 2015, 10 AM
Ars Electronica Center, Sky Loft
Prix Forum V – Residency Artists
SAT September 5, 2015, 4:15 PM-5:15 PM
OK im OÖ Kulturquartier
For their artistic research project Soya C(o)u(l)ture, XXLab (ID) developed a procedure which takes the liquid waste that’s a byproduct of soya processing and makes useful things out of it: biofuel, foodstuffs and leather-like textiles. To do it, the research team uses various bacteria and cell cultures.
Instead of Waste, Income
The mission of Soya C(o)u(l)ture is, on one hand, to minimize the water pollution that goes along with soya production, and to introduce new methods that are simple, cheap and sustainable. Plus, XXLab aims to provide Indonesian women living in rural areas with new opportunities for gainful employment. XXLab regularly holds workshops to put in place the preconditions for this to happen.
Numerous Workshops and Presentations
In recognition of this innovative methodology as well as their endeavors to protect the environment and improve the lives of a great many people, XXLab is this year’s recipient of [the next idea] voestalpine art and technology grant, a program staged jointly by the Ars Electronica Residency Network and voestalpine.
At the 2015 Ars Electronica Festival, Soya C(o)u(l)ture will demonstrate how it’s done at a show kitchen set up in PostCity, and the group is the subject of a presentation in CyberArts 2015. XXLab representatives will also take part in the Connecting Cities – Connecting Citizens, the Council of Europe’s Symposium Smart Creativity, Smart Democracy and the Prix Forum V – Residency Artists.
At three workshops in the Soya C(o)u(l)ture show kitchen, festivalgoers will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience upcycling waste water from soya processing.