Knowledge Capital is a center for the creation of new intellectual values through interaction and collaboration, and a core facility at Grand Front Osaka established by private companies, the multi-purpose complex of commercial facilities, offices, hotel and service apartments. Located in the center of Osaka, it offers places and opportunities for unique and creative individuals to bring forth new ideas that will spread to the rest of the world. Here, you can find the real experience of Knowledge Capital, as it is in Osaka, through exhibitions of the latest works and products, interaction and communication with participants and other visitors.
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 11:30 AM-12 noon | The Osaka Institute of Technology | Presentation |
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 12 noon-12:30 noon | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 1 PM-1:30 PM | iPresence LLC | Presentation |
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 2 PM-2:30 PM | Muscle Corporation | Presentation |
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 3 PM-3:30 PM | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 4 PM-4:30 PM | VisLab OSAKA(1) Osaka University Shinji Shimojo | Presentation |
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 5 PM-5:30 PM | Cyber Interface Laboratory, The University of Tokyo | Presentation |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 10:30 AM-11 AM | The Osaka Institute of Technology | Presentation |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 11 AM-11:30 AM | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 12 noon-12:30 noon | Takenaka Corporation | Presentation |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 12:30 noon-1 PM | Cyber Interface Laboratory, The University of Tokyo. Window to the Past for Ars Electronica | Workshop |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 1:30 PM-2:30 PM | Cyber Interface Laboratory, The University of Tokyo. Identity Hacking Workshop | Workshop |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 3 PM-3:30 PM | Digital Nature Group, University of Tsukuba | Presentation |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 4 PM-4:30 PM | ISI-Dentsu, Ltd. Open Innovation Lab. | Presentation |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 4:30 PM-5 PM | VisLab OSAKA(2) Kwansei Gakuin University | Presentation |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 5 PM-5:30 PM | VisLab OSAKA(3) Osaka University (HITONAVI) | Presentation |
SAT Sept. 5, 2015, 10:30 AM-11 AM | The Osaka Institute of Technology | Presentation |
SAT Sept. 5, 2015, 11 AM-11:30 AM | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
SAT Sept. 5, 2015, 11:30 AM-12 noon | Cyber Interface Laboratory, The University of Tokyo. Window to the Past for Ars Electronica | Workshop |
SAT Sept. 5, 2015, 12:30 noon-1:30 PM | Cyber Interface Laboratory, The University of Tokyo. Identity Hacking Workshop | Workshop |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 10:30 AM-11 AM | The Osaka Institute of Technology | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 11 AM-11:30 AM | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 11:30 AM-12 noon | VisLab OSAKA(4) Osaka University (FUNBRELLA) | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 12 noon-12:30 noon | VisLab OSAKA(5) Osaka University (Scanning) | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 1 PM-1:30 PM | XOOMS | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 2 PM-2:30 PM | Kansai University | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 3 PM-3:30 PM | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 4 PM-4:30 PM | U-SOFTFACTORY | Presentation |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 5 PM-5:30 PM | The Osaka Institute of Technology. The Departement of Design and Architecture | Presentation |
MON Sept. 7, 2015, 11 AM-11:30 AM | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
MON Sept. 7, 2015, 12 noon-12:30 noon | VisLab OSAKA(6) Osaka Electro-Communication University | Presentation |
MON Sept. 7, 2015, 1 PM-1:30 PM | The Osaka Institute of Technology | Presentation |
MON Sept. 7, 2015, 3 PM-3:30 PM | KNOWLEDGE CAPITAL | Presentation |
A tree tweets. A tree reacts.
ISI-Dentsu Ltd. Open Innovation Lab. (JP), MIT Media Lab. (US), The Open University of Japan (JP), Obayashi Corporation (JP), Aoyama Gakuin University (JP)
What if we could add humanity to trees, and robotinity to humans? What will the mutually beneficial futuristic relationship of trees and human beings be like? We explored ways of sound communication by monitoring sap flow and pulse. Here come tree tweets. This project has 3 exhibition places: the main exhibition in the Knowledge District in POST CITY and two satellite exhibitions at Hauptplatz and in the Fashion District in POST CITY.
Being There Without Being There
iPresence LLC (JP)
Have you ever wanted to be in two places at once? With remote presence technology, you can. We are connecting between the Knowledge Capital in Japan and Ars Electronica in Austria, and you will experience an ability to physically walk around the other side and communicate with people there achieving the sense of “being there without being there”.
Muscle Corporation (JP)
“EXR SYSTEM” fuses state-of-the-art robotics technology and the traditional Japanese puppet theater art forms. The human puppetmaster can teach the robot original lithe movements, and the robot can re-play the motion as many times as needed.
EXR SYSTEM rent from Osaka University of Arts / Designed by Professor S. Nakagawa
Colloidal Media Compositions /Anti-Gravity Soundscape
University of Tsukuba/Digital Nature Group (JP)
How can our imagination be physicalized? We present two art works utilizing acoustic field technologies: *Colloidal Media Compositions* in which programmable soap bubbles represent the ambiguity of our mind and memory. The other is an *Anti-Gravity Soundscape*–media composition that expresses the malleability of the physical world. Small particles in the air are manipulated, burst and stabilized.
Folklore Sphere
Kansai University (JP) In cooperation with Daiko Advertising Inc. (JP)
Folklore Sphere is an attempt to rediscover regional values in both the city and nature, which have been evolving organically in a timeless way, and to present the values as multiple works of digital media for the civic pride of the future generation.
Gokan Response Activating Space
Takenaka Corporation (JP)
An architecture that affects human senses in response to the human’s movement by images, sounds, perfumes and air-flows will activate human’s body and mind. You will experience the response of architecture that makes humans smile, communicate with people and dance. This is the prototype of space designed for the super-aged society that Japan will face in the approaching future.
Incendiary Reflection
Shigeo Yoshida, Takuji Narumi, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose (The University of Tokyo/JP)
Do all of your emotions really come from inside? Incendiary Reflection influences your emotional experiences by slightly modifying the reflection of your facial expression. Although you do not change your facial expression, the face in the mirror is either a happy or a sad face.
Lost Physical Existence
VisLab Osaka (JP) : Kwansei Gakuin University (JP), Osaka Electro-Communication University (JP), Osaka University(JP)
The human detection sensors transform humans’ physical existences into the virtual world, where physical existences can remain for all eternity. These existence can be felt and touched by a 3D Fog Display and an umbrella-like device called FUNBRELLA, and also recalled by the barcodes that are assigned to each human as a result of digitization.
tear drop glasses
Shigeo Yoshida, Takuji Narumi, Tomohiro Tanikawa, Michitaka Hirose (The University of Tokyo/JP), Kasumi Yajima (techika/JP)
Teardrop Glasses alter people’s perceptions, as if they were shedding tears. This artwork changes the impression of a video depending on the timing of dropping tears from glasses, and augments our viewing experience. “We are sad, therefore we cry” or “We cry, therefore we are sad”
Xooms (JP), U-Softfactory (JP)
Twee-Shirt is a tool to facilitate the communication between strangers. A person wearing the Twee-Shirt, on which a specific AR-marker is printed, registers their Twitter-ID and other personal records on the server in advance. Any person who wants to speak to them is able to get the information through a mobile application before starting a conversation.
What color is your city?
Osaka Institute Of Technology (JP)
What color is your city? gives a progress report about the Japanese National Project on innovative Robot Service – and presents a pilot experiment for the fusion of spatial and social arts with Japanese goods *Uchiwa* and *Kimono*, digitally recomposing multicultural cityscapes and visualizing our traditional conception of multi-dimensional transformation between 2D and 3D.