Reassuming the role of the photographer as a kind of post-flaneur, Andreas J. Hirsch casts personal views on the city reflecting the post-urban condition as such. Re-Reading the City follows hidden traces of the inner city behind the obvious city, the different cultural cities and their specific codes embedded in the same places. It uses strategies of psychogeography and situationist practices. Following pathways and losing your way are both part of the concept, as are unexpected encounters with the obvious as rediscovered in emerging views.
For Re-Reading the City photographer Andreas J. Hirsch reflects the cracks in the public image of a city, looks at the periphery of urban space in transition and at the lost dimensions of the center while exploring and commenting on the Post City.
THU September 3, 2015, 3 PM-5 PM
Artist Talk:
Andreas J. Hirsch (AT) talking with Peter Higgins (Land Design Studio/UK)
SUN September 6, 2015, 3 PM-4 PM