European urban identities, social changes and citizen participation occupy the focal point of the first symposium at the 2015 Festival. Kicking things off is Derrick de Kerckhove’s (CA) keynote address on connected intelligence. This will be followed by statements in which participants in the Future Innovators Summit and the Connected Intelligence Atelier introduce themselves personally and outline their ideas about the city. Urban planner and theoretician Dietmar Offenhuber (AT) will then discuss criticism of the Smart City concept, participation and socalled civic technologies. Following another round of presentations by FIS and CIA participants, representatives of XXLab will report on their experiences holding do-it-yourself workshops for people in rural Indonesia. Wrapping things up will be a round-table discussion of the various point brought up in Connecting Cities and this will also be an opportunity for network members to elaborate on their experiences to date.
10 AM | Welcome Address: Susa Pop (DE), Gerfried Stocker (AT) |
10:15 AM | Derrick de Kerckhove (CA) |
11 AM | Connecting Ideas I (Short presentations FIS & Connected Intelligence Atelier) |
12 noon | Lunch break |
1 PM | Dietmar Offenhuber (AT) |
1:30 PM | Connecting Ideas II (Short presentations FIS & Connected Intelligence Atelier) |
2:30 PM | Irene Agrivina (XXLab/ID) |
2:50 PM | Connecting Cities Panel Discussion: Susa Pop (DE), Mike Stubbs (UK), Nerea Calvillo (ES) |
Moderator: Claudia Schnugg (AT)
Susa Pop (DE) is an urban media curator and producer based in Berlin. In 2003 she founded Public Art Lab (PAL) as a network of experts from the fields of urban planning, new media arts and IT to develop urban media art projects like the Media Facades Festivals and the EU funded artistic research project Connecting Cities Network.
Gerfried Stocker (AT) is artistic director of Ars Electronica.
Derrick de Kerckhove (CA/IT) is a guru of the digital age, who directed the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology of Toronto between 1983 and 2008. He is Scientific Advisor of the association Osservatorio TuttiMedia, scientific director of the digital culture magazine Media Duemila, research supervisor of the Planetary Collegium T-Node in Trento, and creator along with Maria Pia Rossignaud of the Atelier of Connective Intelligence.
Dietmar Offenhuber (AT) is assistant professor at Northeastern University, Boston, in the departments of Art + Design and Public Policy. He holds a PhD in Urban Planning from MIT, and studied at the MIT Media Lab and TU Vienna. Dietmar investigates urban infrastructure such as formal and informal waste systems and has published books on the subjects of Urban Data, Accountability Technologies, and Urban Informatics.
Irene Agrivina (ID). Open systems advocate, technologist, artist and educator Irene Agrivina (ID) is one of the founding members and current directors of HONF, the Yogyakarta based new media and technology laboratory.
Nerea Calvillo (ES) is an architect, lecturer, researcher, curator and Assistant Professor at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (University of Warwick). She is currently a Poiesis Fellow (NYU) and Medialab-Prado´s curator of the Connecting Cities Network EU project on media facades.
Mike Stubbs (UK) is the Director of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology, the UK’s leading organisation for the commissioning and presentation of film, video and new media art forms. Stubbs was jointly appointed in May 2007 by LJMU, where he is Professor of Art, Media and Curating. Previously he was Head of Program for ACMI.
Claudia Schnugg (AT) is senior curator of the Ars Electronica Residency Network and is carrying out research in the field of art and science collaborations at Ars Electronica Futurelab.
Connecting Cities is initiated by Public Art Lab in cooperation with Ars Electronica Futurelab Linz, Medialab-Prado Madrid, FACT Liverpool, Videospread Marseille, iMAL Brussels, Riga 2014, BIS Istanbul, m-cult Helsinki, Media Architecture Institute Vienna, Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, in association with Aarhus University, Marseille-Provence 2013, MUTEK Montreal, Quartier des Spectacles Montreal, Foundation Bauhaus Dessau, Verve Cultural Sao Paulo, Federation Square Melbourne, xm:lab Saarbrücken, Sapporo Media Arts Lab, ETOPIA Zaragoza, The Concourse Sydney and 403 International Arts Center Wuhan.
With support of the Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union.
Find more information on www.connectingcities.net