Two programs will occupy the focal point of the Post City Kit activities in the context of the Future Catalyst Program – a toolkit of ideas, strategies, devices and prototypes for the city of the future: The Future Innovators Summit and the Connected Intelligence Atelier.
Future Innovators Summit
The Future Innovators Summit is a creative system which has been developed by Ars Electronica Futurelab and Hakuhodo and brings together inspiring artists, technologists, social activists and young entrepreneurs from all over the world.
Connected Intelligence Atelier
The Connected Intelligence Atelier has been developed by CTi – Culture and Technology International (Derrick de Kerckhove and Maria Pia Rossignaud) and is based on an international network of artists, academics and creative thinkers who join forces to find new ways and solutions.
Get to know more about the Post City Kit…
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 11 AM-12 noon
THU Sept. 3, 2015, 1:30 PM-2:30 PM |
Future Catalyst Program/POST CITY Kit: Connecting Ideas I + II
Future Innovators Summit & Connected Intelligence Atelier First presentations |
POST CITY, Conference Square |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 10 AM-12 noon
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 1 PM-5:30 PM |
Future Catalyst Program/POST CITY Kit: Workshop
Future Innovators Summit |
POST CITY, FC-Platz 1-3 |
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 10 AM-12 noon
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 1 PM-5:30 PM |
Future Catalyst Program/POST CITY Kit: Workshop
Connected Intelligence Atelier |
POST CITY, Atelier Room 1-2 |
SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 3:30 PM-5 PM | Future Catalyst Program/POST CITY Kit: Presentations
Future Innovators Summit & Connected Intelligence Atelier |
POST CITY, Conference Square |
Future Innovators Summit
Group A: Informed Trust – In a world of autonomous machines
Fiona Zisch (AT/UK) is an architect and scientist and lecturer at the University of Innsbruck and the University of Westminster. She is currently finishing a transdisciplinary PhD in architecture and neuroscience at University College London.
Marcus Fiege (DE) develops and conducts research on innovative lighting concepts at Daimler AG.
Lena Mech (DK) is an urban game designer, a curator and a member of Copenhagen Game Collective.
Umut Gökcen Yilmaz (TR) founded Nomad as an experienced Android developer, software architect and a trainer.
Matthias Danzmayr (AT) has been studying architecture and was a part of MIT’s Senseable City Laboratory. His research interests lie in facilitating urban studies, architecture and technology to create a more sustainable future.
Group B: Future Citizens – How smart does a city have to be before we are afraid to live in it?
Lars Lütze (DE) is Development Engineer at Daimler AG and supports the management in the topic of User Interaction & Security.
Aisen Caro Chacin (US) is currently designing assistive devices as Ph.D. candidate for the program of Empowerment Informatics at University of Tsukuba, Japan.
Hagar Elazari (IL) is an artist, a designer and an engineer. She designs Interactive light art.
Adrian Dabrowski (AT) is PhD candidate at the University of Technology in Vienna and employed as researcher at SBA Research.
Karl Pletschko (AT) is founder and CEO of Mopius. Mopius released the first version of the Nearspeak Software Development Kits (SDK).
Group C: Future Resilience – What types of resilience should we develop?
Maja Smrekar (SI) is an intermedia artist who connects humanistic and natural sciences in transdisciplinary projects.
Nadine Sinner (DE) is working at Daimler for the brand smart.
Kimitaro Hattori (JP) started to work as a designer at Hakuhodo after his graduation and continues his artistic work.
Pamela Cajilig (PH) is a design and business anthropologist and co-founder of Curiosity Design Research, a Manila-based consultancy.
Diego Trujillo Pisanty (MX) is an artist working with technology, approaching it not only as a medium but also as the embodiment of human practices and attitudes.
Stefan Mertl (AT) is a seismologist and photographer.
Alexander Mankowsky (DE) has worked in the research unit at Daimler AG since 1989, initially focusing on societal trends in mobility. This led him in 2001 to his current field of work – ‘Futures Studies & Ideation’.
Geeta Mehta (IN/US) is an adjunct professor of architecture and urban design at Columbia University in New York.
Hiroshi Ishii (JP/US) is a Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab.
Kyoko Someya (JP) joined Hakuhodo in 1987, starting as an account executive. She possesses a wide range of job experience including action designing, purchase behavior researching, interactive planning and producing, planning and producing of cultural projects and businesses, and more, with many different team styles for companies in various types of fields.
Jin Shimada (JP) is the Corporate Officer of Hakuhodo i-studio Inc., Hakuhodo’s digital production company.
Kazuko Tanaka (JP) joined Hakuhodo in 1998 and searches for a new culture and new meanings in working, parenting, and living.
Connected Intelligence Atelier
Group D: “Publicy” – the transformation of private and public
POST CITY, Atelier
Mark Federman (CA) is a consultant, facilitator, educator, strategist, and leadership coach, with a practice and research focus on transforming organizational culture. His doctoral research invented Valence Theory which defines the “connected relationship” organization, and helps leaders enable the possibility of an alternate future for their organizations and society.
Yasuaki Kakehi (JP) received his PhD degree in Interdisciplinary Information Studies from the University of Tokyo in 2007. Now he works as an associate professor at Keio University. He developed interactive media integrating human, physical materials and digital information, and created art works based on his own innovative technologies.
Agnes Aistleitner (AT) has made various internships in Art, Fashion and PR in Vienna, Los Angeles and New York since 2009. In 2012 she received a Golden Nica for her short film state of revolution about the revolution in Egypt. Since 2012 she has created various projects, ranging from fashion-art exhibitions such as globalcitizen, the online learning platform pilot wahlzuckerl.org to the food project floraison.at.
Over the past 15 years, Gary Schwartz (CA) has played a leadership role in the mobile marketing industry. He is the author of “THE IMPULSE ECONOMY” and “FAST SHOPPER, SLOW STORE” published by Simon & Schuster, Atria Imprint. In 2014 Gary was selected as the “Retail Innovator of the Year” by Retail Touchpoints. He is CEO of Impact Mobile and an alum of Columbia University in New York and the Stanford University Center in Yokohama, where he was the recipient of the Asia and Japan Foundation Fellowships.
Group E: Smart Democracy
POST CITY, Atelier
Maria Pia Rossignaud (IT) is editor of digital culture magazine Media Duemila and Vice President of the Osservatorio TuttiMedia’s. Creator along with Derrick de Kerckhove Atelier Connective Intelligence. Organizes the prize Nostalgia for the Futuro and meetings on topics of burning actuality.
Sangkyu Rho (KR) is professor of Information Systems at Seoul National University. He co-founded a couple of social media startups and is now participating in interdisciplinary research in networks at Organic Media Lab.
Sirin Bahar Demirel (TR): After graduating from the cinema department at Galatasaray University, Istanbul in 2010, she finished her MA in Artistic Direction of Cultural Projects at Université Paul Valéry, France. She has worked as assistant director in feature documentaries. She continues to work on her photography, video and street art projects in Istanbul.
So Kanno (JP) graduated in Design Informatics at the Musashino Art University and completed the Institute of Advanced Media Art and Science. He won several Art prices including the Japan Media Art Festival New Faces Award.
Group F: Strategies to elicit community involvement
POST CITY, Atelier
Derrick de Kerckhove (CA/IT) is a guru of the digital age, who directed the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology of Toronto between 1983 and 2008. He is Scientific Advisor of the association Osservatorio TuttiMedia, scientific director of the digital culture magazine Media Duemila, research supervisor of the Planetary Collegium T-Node in Trento, and creator along with Maria Pia Rossignaud of the Atelier of Connective Intelligence.
Angela Oguntala (US) is a designer, working at the intersection of technology and futures studies. She’s a graduate of the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design and currently heads up an innovation lab in Copenhagen, researching and developing products and scenarios around emerging technologies.
Tamer Aslan (TR) is a Creative Technologist born in Istanbul, based in Vienna. After his time in Ars Electronica Futurelab, he is in the process of setting up his own studio, to further tangle with the topics of Playful City and Belief Objects.
Pablo Honey (ES) is Experience Design Director at R/GA in New York, the agency for the Connected Age, where he develops connected products and stories for global companies.
Agnès Yun (KR) is the founder of Organic Media Lab specializing in media evolution and network business. After earning her Ph.D in sociology from Paris-Descartes University, Sorbonne, she served as director of the SK Communications Research Institute. She is also speaker, writer, and an avid blogger.