In 2015, Stadtwerkstatt, the nerve central of Linz’ free and open culture takes up “the nature of information” as matters of inquiry and launches information LAB to house its many ongoing information research projects. While the world of natural sciences updates and releases information through logical conclusions, information LAB retrieves seemingly meaningless information data without seeking conclusive arguments. It is about the interplay between reality and information, about the observation of observation, taking in contingency randomness in the process of encoding unique information, looking deeper into concepts of decision-making and conclusion.
From STWST cultural space to Am Winterhafen where Messschiff Eleonore is anchored, along the Danube, cross the continents, STWST48 – crashing the information in 48 hours brings together events/non-events, information/non-information, hack/fab labs, reality/dreams, unfiltered/raw/random/mined/cooked/processed infodata. The 48 hour programs are organized under the four headlines – infoLAB, infoDETOX, infoCRACH and Nightline’s CRASH THE FUTURE.
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, – SUN Sept. 6, 2015,
Daytime hourly
Markus Decker, Pamela Neuwirth, Franz Xaver / Maindeck
A second order cybernetic mechanism generating random numbers by chance.
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 5 PM-SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 5 PM
The Eel Hotel
Donautik / Danube
An underwater research buoy with webcam streams for homebound eels.
Ferment Lab
Agnieszka Pokrywka / Messschiff Eleonore
Feast on fermented food with tales of bacterias’ micro life.
Piss (On) Logic
Martin Howse and Jonathan Kemp / Riverbank
Pissoir flow as operating system for a citywide leaky computational architecture.
Makery – around the world of labs in 48 hours
makery.info / Stadtwerkstatt, 1st floor
An information marathon on labs heralding the worldwide maker movement.
Mirror Party Sisters’ Play
Sister0 with Sisters / Stadtwerkstatt, Ground Floor
Who will execute relayed codes, free from the lion’s share of toxins?
Primavera de Filippi, David Bovill, Vincent Roudaut, Sara Renaud / Stadtwerkstatt, Workshop, Maindeck
A blockchain-based autopoietic plantoid, self owned and financed, reproduces itself.
Dju Dju – a social sculpture
Stefanie Farkashazy, Robinson Stärk, Josseline Black, Roland von Schmidt u. a. / Riverbank
FRI Sept. 4, 2015
5 PM – 7 PM
Taro / Maindeck
Fungal spores bound for stratosphere travel in weather balloons.
9 PM – 10 PM
Bee Frequency Farming
Bioni Samp / Main Stage
Sounding loud protest with bee frequency log hive electronic apiary.
9 PM – 6 AM
River Studies
Michael Aschauer / Stadtwerkstatt, 1st Floor
Durational video loops featuring rivers as carrier of cultural landscapes and identities.
10 PM – 11 PM
File Found
aTxE & La Pelos / Main Stage
Bio-toxic performance with tattoo machines scratching in anger.
FRI Sept. 4, 2015, 11:59 PM – SAT Sept. 5, 2015, 5:59 AM
Kikiriki, Tumido, Opcion, Elektro Guzzi DJ Team / Main Stage
FRI Sept. 4, 2015 11 PM – SAT Sept. 5, 2015, 6 AM
Pulse Project
Michelle Lewis–King / Stadtwerkstatt, First Floor
Listen to the interior space of the body through pulse reading and notation.
SAT Sept. 5, 2015 – SUN Sept. 6, 2015
NSA (critical) Networked Streaming Action
APO33 / Stadtwerkstatt, First Floor, Maindeck
Cut-ups of web radio in flux, doomed crash of information overload.
SAT Sept. 5, 2015
5 PM – 6 PM
Bee Frequency Farming
Bioni Samp / Maindeck
Sounding loud protest with bee frequency log hive electronic apiary.
6 PM – 8 PM
Electromagnetic Dimension
Erin Sexton / Maindeck
Performing a series of spatiotemporal experiments with radio, objects and an antenna.
9 PM – 11 PM
GIASO –Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra
APO33 / Main Stage
A distributed orchestra mixing multiple audio-streams through a spatial diffusion.
SAT Sept. 5, 2015, 11:59 PM, – SUN Sept. 6, 2015, 5:59 AM
MS Mutt, Owl Rave, N.S.A., Commandyoursoul DJ Team / Main Stage
SUN Sept. 6, 2015
10 AM – 2 PM
Ferment Yourself With Ferment Lab
Messschiff Eleonore
A sunday brunch with artist Agnieszka Pokrywka, curator Amanda McDonald Crowley, local farmers and food activists.
Curation: Shu Lea Cheang, Franz Xaver
Nightline Programmation: Richie Herbst
Production: Andreas Heissl, Felix Vierlinger, Jörg Parnreiter
Art & Web Sesign: Veronika Seyr
Sound Engineer: Christian Viteka
Catering: Café Strom