Digitisation has provided an unprecedented means for people to access, express, generate, assemble and disseminate culture in a variety of different ways. It has further led to a more collaborative culture and seen the genesis of innovative schemes such as crowd-funding, crowd-sourcing and collective creation. This has meant political implications for the Council of Europe’s mandate of upholding human rights, democracy and the rule of law, such as by providing a means for governments to enhance citizen access and participation in digital culture, but also by showing up threats such as the breach of citizen privacy and the propagation of hate speech, all of which call for due action.
The Platform Exchange explores how digitisation can best be used for facilitating access to and participation in culture and creativity, with a view to strengthening democratic participation. It identifies recent innovative digital applications, lessons learnt in establishing these and looks at experiences with audience engagement in digital creativity. The results of the Platform Exchange will subsequently be assembled into a compendium of good practices for boosting digital participation and creativity for dissemination and promotion in the member States.
9 AM | Registration at Ars Electronica Center | Ars Electronica Center, SkyLoft |
9:15 AM | Opening: Claudia Luciani (Director of Democratic Governance at the Council of Europe/IT), Gerfried Stocker (Artistic Director of Ars Electronica/AT) Introductory Speeches: Jaroslav Andel (DOX Center for Contemporary Art/CZ), Derrick de Kerckhove (University of Toronto/CA), Kimmo Aulake (Council of Europe’s Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape/FI) |
Ars Electronica Center, SkyLoft |
10 AM | Session 1: Presentations by Artistic and Digital Cultural Innovators with Hideaki Ogawa (Ars Electronica Futurelab/JP/AT), Jeremiah Diephuis (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria/AT), Dominique Roland (Centre des arts (Cda) of Enghien-les-Bains, International Digital Arts Biennial „Bains Numériques“/FR), European Art-Science-Technology Network (EASTN), Kata Krasznahorkai (Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, University of Zurich/HU), Pierre-Yves Desaive (Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium/BE), Luka Frelih (Association Ljudmila/laboratorium for science and art, SI), Lucia Garcia (LABoral/ES), XXLab (ID), Alex Verhaest (Media Artist/BE), Patrick Bartos (Creative Region Linz and Upper Austria/AT) | Ars Electronica Center, SkyLoft |
12 noon | Exchange of experiences among Platform Exchange participants | Ars Electronica Center, SkyLoft |
2:30 PM | Session 2: Roundtable Meetings | PostCity |
4:30 PM | Session 3: Collective session | PostCity |
5 PM | Closing of the Platform Exchange and outlook on next steps: Claudia Luciani, Gerfried Stocker | PostCity |
Moderator: Chris Torch (Intercult/SE)
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