Radio FM4 will be broadcasting a portion of its programming live from Ars Electronica from Thursday, September 3 to Sunday, September 6. FM4’s mobile studio will be set up right in the middle of the action at the u19 – CREATE YOUR WORLD venue. We cordially invite you to stop by, check us out and listen in. FM4 is looking forward to your visit! You can look forward to reportage and live interviews with festivalgoers accompanied by an Ars-style musical soundtrack. Plus, on Saturday, September 5 from 1 to 5 PM, tune in to four hours of “FM4 Live from Ars Electronica.” Meanwhile, fm4.orf.at will be featuring the Best of the Festival, great stuff to read, hear and view from Ars Electronica. Additional content having to do with “PostCity” will go on the air throughout FM4’s broadcast day during the Festival’s run.