Not barrier-free. SUN Sept. 9, 2018, the Bunker closes at 6 PM. Last entry is 30 minutes before the exhibition closes.
Since its successful launch last year, the Gallery Spaces Program, deliberately written in the plural, has brought a large number of international galleries and collections with their different positions on digital art to the Ars Electronica Festival. But there is more to it than showing digital artists represented by galleries – it is above all about the changing conditions of creating and marketing art under the impact of digitalization.
New possibilities and business models for positioning oneself in the digital online marketplace are discussed as well as digital strategies for museums and established art collections. These workshops and roundtables also discuss how digital art can be preserved in the long term and how the many works created since the 1960s can be restored and preserved for the future. With its continuous work and experience in the production and presentation of media art and digital art since 1979, as well as the remarkable exhibition areas of “Postcity,” Ars Electronica is the ideal environment for this exchange.

Anita Beckers Galerie, Frankfurt a. M.
Gallery Anita Beckers was established in 1998 along with an additional space dedicated solely to video art. Since the beginning, the gallery has continuously exhibited time-based media art.

arebyte Gallery, London
arebyte gallery is a London-based art organization which supports the development of contemporary artists working across emerging artforms.

Art & Science Gallery Lab AXIOM, Tokyo
The gallery boasts a myriad of world-class exhibits, cross-talks, workshops, in addition to providing a forum for discussion on cutting-edge creativity in all art forms.

With a presence in over 27 countries ARTJAWS offers the most extensive media arts catalog worldwide.

Bildrecht, Wien
Bildrecht, the copyright agency representing 5,000 artists active in the segments of Fine Arts, Media Arts, Graphic Arts, Photography, Performance, Design and Architecture, performs a special cultural function.

The International PRIX BLOXHUB INTERACTIVE is an ambitious competition encouraging an interdisciplinary focus on creating livable cities.

DNA Galerie, Berlin
DNA has an international character, collaborating regularly with numerous galleries and institutions outside Germany.

.ART – launched in 2016 – provides relevant web products to help creative individuals and art organizations become visible in the online space.

Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)
DSD-08AS is an electromechanical kinetic sound installation.

EP7 Gallery, Paris
EP7 Gallery is a digital facade made of 12 monumental LED screens.

Erwin Wurm
Erwin Wurm, b. 1954 in Styria, lives and works in Vienna and Limberg, Austria.

Galleria Artericambi, Verona
The Gallery introduces a new approach to contemporary art with a great attention for scientific and philosophical thought.

The Imponderable Weight of the Dead, Soll / Ist
Jan Bernstein (DE)
The interaction of chance, mistakes, definitions, dependence, fictions and realities in connection with the person who has invented and built such a sphere, finds itself in the works.

Kickstarter – Public Benefit Corporation
Kickstarter's mission is to help bring creative projects to life.

MAM – Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art
Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art is 45 years of international experience and realization of more than 600 exhibitions.

Mohsen Gallery, Teheran
Founded in 2010, Mohsen Gallery is one of the leading contemporary art galleries in Tehran serving as a definitive think tank for ambitious and critically engaging exhibitions of Iranian and international artists.

Niio, Tel Aviv
Niio is the premium discovery and display platform for curated video and new media art, trusted by leading artists, galleries and curators to expose their very best moving image artworks.

NOME Gallery, Berlin
Founded in Berlin in 2015, NOME works with international, emerging and mid-career artists.

NOVA Prize
Collaborating with an array of the world's innovative art and cultural institutions, foundations, art academies, and professional media services, Nova Prize aims to inspire and encourage young artists to break the boundary between art and technology and redefine the two disciplines.

Point Cloud Portraits
Catherine Ikam (FR), Louis Fléri (FR)
Cloud Faces is a video-generative installation in which a particularly unstable face is created by a movement of attraction between a million particles and 3D faces that assemble and disintegrate in real time.

Mutter und Sohn = Realität trifft Kunst (Z.U.K.U.N.F.T. der Unendlichkeit)
Brigitte & Jonathan Meese (DE)
The first virtual reality production by Jonathan Meese and his mother Brigitte Meese is a journey into the heart of the dictatorship of art.

STATE Studio
STATE is a Berlin-based festival and studio for open science, art and innovation. Founded in 2014 out of the Paul-Drude-Institute, STATE stands for a new way of connecting people with science.

The Beep Electronic Art Collection, Reus
The objective of The Beep Electronic Art Collection is to be witness and agent of the transgression created at the intersection of Art, Science and Technology.

The Water Resistance`s Laboratory "Toboggans"
Claudia González Godoy (CL)
This project aims to provoke thought about media and electronic devices, placing water at the center of technological development.

YOUR ART IS REALITY: Imagine a world where anyone with a few dollars could own and experience cutting edge contemporary art... Imagine valuable art in the hands of everyone, not just an exclusive of elite collectors...