The vanishing point is an imaginary point — or one in a perspective drawing — at which parallel lines receding from the observer seem to converge and vanish. The closer the observer gets to the vanishing point, the further it seems to recede. In the Ars Electronica Center’s new Deep Space 8K featuring projections composed of more than 66 million pixels, the dimensions of the smallest possible vanishing point — assuming it were illuminated to make it visible — would be approximately 1 mm and thus the size of a single pixel.
White Point is based on the premise that the observer is situated in the vanishing point. Visitors thus seem to move into the center of the light inside this single pixel, and are within an imaginary cube made up of six picture membranes. The initial image is reflected and rotated on three different axes. The resulting impression on the part of visitors is to be amidst a perspective that extends in all six directions.
Supported by Bildrecht.