Post-media, post-web and post-digital are the new buzzwords of our times. Media are now available anytime and anyplace; in fact, it is becoming difficult to switch them off and remain “off-grid.” Smart devices, geo media and surveillance systems are spinning a dense panoptic web all around us. The physical world is becoming increasingly infiltrated by digital technologies, while social networks have turned us into “smart mobs” whose behavior can be foreseen and pre-calculated.
Provocative answers
This year’s Interface Cultures student project exhibition constitutes a provocative answer to the new post-media trends. The projects presented are futuristic, retro, post-, pre-, post-post or just art. While we of course need to be aware of new technological and societal trends and to reflect on them, we do not need to feel obliged to follow all of them. Being post-post is our artistic answer.
Faculty: Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Michaela Ortner, Reinhard Gupfinger, Marlene Brandstätter
Break the ice
Gisela Nunes
Bull shut app
Marta Perez Campos, Tassilo Posegga
Death of Things (DoT)
Martín Nadal
Eisenbahnbrücke’s nightmare
Patricia Margarit Castello
Nina Mengin
César Escudero Andaluz
Oliver Lehner
Medium Standard
Daniel Guerra Samperio, Mario Costa
Jens Vetter
Clemens Bauder, Davide Bevilacqua
Pop the movie
Carina Lindmeier, Federico Tasso
Take your Time
Jure Fingust
The gesture of drawing light with a body movement
Isidora Ficovic
Ivan Petkov
Viktor Delev, Didi Bruckmayr
Nathan Guo