exhy curates exhibitions–automatically. The curation service offers to organize art events from finding a topic and a title to putting together a group show and arranging the works of art in the gallery space. Basesd on the huge database of artsy.net, an online art gallery which comprises thousands of artist profiles that are linked by the logic of the Art Genome Project. The project is growing by taking into account every user interaction on artsy.net to improve the algorithm.
“If you like that artwork …”
From a user’s perspective, the service works quickly and efficiently–in a similar way to finding goods on Amazon and ebay: “If you like that artwork, you might also like this one.“
The selection of art works is of course not a random assembly. Each show is a unique experience involving the visitor in relationships, juxtapositions or contrasts that are being reflected by works and themes of art history and contemporary developments–like any well curated group show, but it comes without the heavy workload for the curators.
Development: Manuel Berger (AT), David Brüll (DE), Florian Jennett (DE), Sebastian Oschatz (DE), David Theil (AT), Gregor Woschitz (AT)
Supported by: Art University Linz, Artsy.net, Meso Digital Interiors, Kepler Salon Linz