The NAKED VERITI project, realized by the Spanish artists Néstor Lizalde, Félix Luque & Íñigo Bilbao, and Pablo Valbuena, uses memory, interaction and light, and composite and manufactured parts to express feelings and thoughts about technological art at the Ars Electronica Festival 2015. The “naked truth” from the silent, painstaking and methodical work of representatives of the new creative and artistic wave from Spain, who build a reality for a specified time frame and strive for permanence in the collective and critical memory. Not restricted by a specific topic, each of them is absolutely free to create their own individual work that expresses their own artistic language and materials.
Memory Lane
Memory Lane is a series of sculptures and audiovisual works that depict the artists’ important childhood places. Uptake by 3D scanners and data processing generate a fusion between real environments and their virtual replicas, where some elements appear clearly defined, while others are blurred and merge; light behaves atypically, solid becomes incorporeal and the laws of physics are disrupted. Places are not merely represented—for memories can be distorted— and a surreal atmosphere exists. When reproducing the sets of children’s games of the authors, the work seeks to recover the joy and excitement of those moments, which, by having a visionary and dreamy nature, awakened their interest in artistic creativity.
Pii relies on the development of an interactive sculpture by using sets of mirrors, matrices of light and different types of sensors that analyze the environment to computationally generate a light response, thereby creating a variable work that interacts with the audience and its environment. The work explores the aesthetic possibilities arising from the meeting between technological elements with analog visual effects achieved by controlled reflections with calibrated mirrors, enabling the luminous body to expand simulating an infinite spatial depth. The combination of these analog and digital systems creates a variable and reactive sculpture.
Time tiling
Architecture is a prolific field for patterns in a diverse range of scales: street pavements, tiles, modulated facades, standardized measures or city grids are good examples of a certain sense of order. Order is also present in time-based structures like language film or music. The rules organizing both levels of order are equivalent, revealing links between still structures and the ones in motion. This site-specific project brings to light a tiled room exploring the intersection of architectural systems and timebased structures.
The Naked Veriti Project
Project Manager, Producer: Javier Galán (ES)
Technical Chief: Gustavo Valera (VE)
Exhibition Design: Anna Biedermann (PL)
Supported by: Spanish Ministry of Culture, Education and Sport (ES), AC/E Acción Cultural Española (ES), Ars Electronica
Co-Producers: ETOPIA Center of Art and Technology (ES); Secteur Arts Numériques/Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE), Arcadi Île-de-France (FR)
Memory Lane
Design: Damien Gernay (FR)
Arduino programming: Vincent Evrard (BE)
Mechanical design: Julien Maire (FR)
Builder and Developer: Guillermo Malón (ES)
Audio Samplers Composer: Kim Fasticks (ES)